Manufactured Outrage
Also: Appeal to Anger, Rabble-Rousing, Fauxfended, Nontroversy
Class: Emotional Manipulation
Pretending to be angry or trying to
get others angry over a small issue.
This is despicable, and people are outraged!
People were just mocking it on Twitter. You’re just trying to make it sound like they’re outraged.
This policy cannot be tolerated! We must fight!
It’s a minor policy. You’re just manufacturing outrage to get attention.
They are cutting back voting hours! It’s downright undemocratic!
They’re restoring hours to what they were the prior year. Don’t be so dramatic.
Now they say “Happy Holidays”?! This is a war on Christmas!
Oh pulease. Stop acting so fauxfended.
Foolacy vs. Fallacy

This relates to the fallacy Appeal to Anger. Like all Appeals to Emotion, it’s perfectly fair to express your opinions and feelings; it’s a fallacy only if you fail to provide any logical reasons. Politicians have always used Appeal to Anger because it’s a proven way to motivate voters to act. Today’s media pundits and social media accelerate this even more. They may only be acting outraged, but more often they amp themselves up to believe their own outrage. Either way it lacks authenticity, but it is still highly effective on their audiences.

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