Granola Logic
Also: Appeal to Nature, Natural Ads
Class: Evade > Irrelevant
Assuming natural is good
and human-made is bad.
This drink is healthier because it’s all natural!
Snake venom and rat urine are all natural too. Wanna sip?
I won’t eat any food that contains ingredients I cannot pronounce.
Did you know a banana contains glutamic acid, phenylalanine, and phytosterols? Those are all natural.
I don’t understand vegetarians. Eating meat is natural!
Violence is natural too, but that doesn’t justify it.
Foolacy vs. Fallacy

This directly matches the Appeal to Nature fallacy (sometimes mistakenly called the Naturalistic fallacy, which is actually an unrelated fallacy).

This fallacy is very common in our thinking and advertising. Even highly educated adults fall for it. Of course nature can be be good, but it can also be bad and artificial can be good. The fallacy is when your argument rests on the assumption that natural must be better.

Remember many bad things happen in nature: disease, plagues, famine, parasites, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ice ages; and natural behaviors in wild animals: violence, murder, infanticide, rape, incest; also some neutral things like homosexuality and intersex. And many artificial things are good: clothing, housing, medicine, tools, engines, electronics, etc.

FYI, our ideas of nature change over time. Canned fruit was once considered healthier because unpasteurized fruit had germs. People once preferred “natural” ice shipped from frozen lakes instead of “artificial” ice from a freezer.
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