LMS Integration
You can assign Foolacy quizzes and practice drills from your Learning Management System (LMS) and automatically receive scores back.

Select LMS access only where prompted to ensure it always sends scores back to your LMS. Or select Allow direct link and click Copy Link to let students do it without your LMS.

LMS Compatibility

Nearly all LMS’s support LTI 1.0, which lets you link Foolacy assignments from your LMS. LMS’s that support LTI 1.1 can also import scores back from Foolacy.com.

I’ve confirmed this works with Jupiter. But Google Classroom does not support LTI. Please contact me if you encounter errors with other LMS’s.

If your LMS doesn’t support LTI, just use regular links instead. See Help

LMS Setup

In your LMS look for something like External Apps or Learning Tools. Search for Foolacy; if it is already there, select it and skip the rest of this setup. (It's already in Jupiter.) Otherwise follow the prompts to add a new tool:

If it asks for an XML cartridge, enter this URL:
Or open that link to Copy and Paste the content if it wants the XML instead of a link.

Or if it asks for just the learning tool URL enter:
This option might not send scores back to your LMS, so use this only if your LMS does not support XML cartridges.

If it asks for a Consumer Key and Shared Secret, leave those blank or type anything like “anon”.

Link a Quiz / Practice

In your LMS create an assignment and look for the Foolacy tool. That opens your Foolacy.com account to select one of your quizzes or practices, or create a new one.

Then your students will see a Foolacy link/button in your LMS for that assignment. The link opens Foolacy.com and asks them to enter or select their name, then is starts the quiz/practice. If students don’t finish, they can use the LMS link again, or within Foolacy.com they can navigate to List of Fallacies > Quizzes. It remembers their progress so they don’t need to start over (unless they delete their cookies).

Foolacy.com automatically pushes scores to your LMS when students complete the quiz/practice. If you want to capture scores for incomplete assignments, login at Foolacy.com, click the assignment, and at the bottom click the link “Push incomplete scores to LMS”.


Unable to add Foolacy to my LMS

Please send me screenshots of your LMS and any error messages. I’ll check my error logs to see if it’s something I can resolve on my end.

Some/all scores not received by LMS

In Foolacy.com login and click the quiz/drill, and scroll to the bottom to read the status message.

Click “Push incomplete scores to LMS” if you want all scores even if not finished/turned in. (This is not automatic.)

If there were any network errors before, that screen automatically retries to send the scores, and it shows the status/error at the bottom of this screen.

Edit the quiz/drill and make sure it is set to “LMS access only”. If it was set to “Allow direct link”, students may have accessed it in a way that does not link back to your LMS. This cannot be fixed retroactively, so you must enter their scores manually.

Student did practice but they have no score

Students must access Foolacy.com through your LMS. If they go directly to Foolacy.com and click “Quiz Me”, that is self-practice, not reported to you or your LMS.

Students have to start over if they come back

Foolacy.com requires cookies for it to remember student progress. It works without cookies, but they must start over each time they enter.


Contact Me for other issues. (LTI is touchy, so each LMS might require some hammering.)

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